utorak, 18. veljače 2014.

Early Spring

Proljece je moje omiljeno godisnje doba, sve se budi iz zimskog sna, raste trava, cvijece.. Buduci da je kalendarski jos uvijek zima, a temperature su jako visoke za zimski period, kao da je nastalo neko rano proljece.. U prirodi je prelijepo, napravila sam par slika proljetnog cvijeca.. Naravno, ubrala sam i sebi buket.. :)

Spring is my favorite time of year, everything is waking up from hibernation, growing grass, flowers .. Since  is still winter acoarding to the calendar, the temperatures are very high for this time of year, and it feels like early spring .. The nature is beautiful, I made a couple of pictures of spring flowers .. Of course, I picked myself a bouquet .. :)

utorak, 28. siječnja 2014.

Snow, snow, snow

Well, finally it's snowing :) First time this year.. And it was kind of suprise, because weather was sunny,  like eary spring.. I took few pics before snow melts..I hope you like my winter style, just layers of clothes.. :)

I'm wearing springfield demin shirt, h&m sweather, accesorize beanie, forever 21 necklace, stradivarius boots..

ponedjeljak, 13. siječnja 2014.

Trip to Zagreb

Hello, so I've been to Zagreb during holidays, but didn't had time to post about it till now..

 Some home made christmas cookies, by my boyfriend's sister.. :)

 New Years Eve..
 Firework :)